Londen Wheeler Photography

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SMU vs Cincinnati

What’s up, guys! Can you believe that it’s almost November?!  I swear it feels like we started October yesterday.  It’s all good though because we’re getting closer to my favorite holiday… THANKSGIVING!!!! Anybody else a big fan of doing nothing but eating and sleeping your life away?

So about two weeks ago, I applied for a photo credential on Southern Methodist University’s website. They messaged me and asked who I was shooting for and I told them that I was just shooting for my blog.  Per their policy, they only grant passes to people who are shooting for a media outlet.  Well, they messaged me back earlier this week and told me that they made an exception and that they will let me photograph their game against Cincinnati!  Super stoked?  Heck yeah!

I do remember when JMU came down back in 2015 to play SMU during their homecoming.  It was the first time I had ever heard of SMU but JMU came and managed to beat them in an upset!  Ever since JMU came to play them, I’ve been wanting to go to SMU for a game and check them out.  I must say that the school has amazing facilities!  I always drive past the football stadium but I never stopped to check it out.  Now that I’ve seen the stadium, I want to go walking around campus and see what else it has to offer.  Seems like a pretty cool school to be.

The best part about this entire experience was meeting one of the photographers who has been a Staff Photographer at the Dallas Morning News since 1989.  Steve is one of the photographers whose photos are always running through the DMN and I have always wanted to meet him and some of the other photographers.  Steve was so cool and talked to me for a few minutes about his career with DMN.  Right before the game started, I asked if he would take a selfie with me because he was one of the photographers who I look up to! So, we took our selfie, got ready for the game, and he told me that I have a great career ahead of me.  Talk about filled with joy.  It meant a lot to hear that from someone who has been in the field longer than I’ve been alive.

Moving to Dallas and making the connections that I’ve made so far is truly amazing.  I am forever grateful for the connections that I make and people that I meet.  One of these days, I’ll get my breakthrough and when I do, y’all will be the first to know!